2019-11-24 15:12:12 +02:00

54 lines
1.7 KiB

## Solution Information
### NucuCar.Domain
Holds common classes and interfaces that are required by the other projects.
It provides all the types that are generated via protocol buffers.
### NucuCar.Sensors
Manages all the car sensors. For more info see the readme file located in the project directory.
### NucuCar.TestClient
Command line utility to play around with the car functionality. You can use it to remotely read data from the sensors via gRPC methods and to publish and read telemetry data.
### Building and Running.
To build the project and target the Raspberry Pi you can use the following command:
dotnet build --runtime linux-arm -p:PublishSingleFile=true
# Milestones:
- [X] Make a working BME680 module. ~~(Unit tests?)~~
- [X] Add settings: ~~gRPC enabled~~, Telemetry Enabled, Sensor Enabled, Measurement Delay
- [X] Make a gRPC test project to test the modules.
- [X] Pretty document domain module.
- [ ] Attempt some unit tests on sensors.
- [ ] Grpc
- [ ] Telemetry
- [ ] Sensor read?
- [ ] Add systemd config file.
- [X] Add option to publish in a single file.
- [ ] ~~Make a .Net Core web api project. Add support for BME680.~~ Replaced by gRPC.
- [ ] Buy a toy car with H-Bridge.
- [ ] Make a H-Bridge Module to interface with it.
- [ ] Make a desktop application /w Xbox Controller support.
- [ ] Buy Raspbery Pi Camera & Pi Zero Camera adapter.
- [ ] Figure out how to integrate camera to stream to the dekstop.
- [ ] Buy mobile 4G router.
- [ ] Figure out how to make a reverse VPN connection on boot. (Hint: SSH tunneling)
- [ ] Improve the desktop application.
- [ ] Add additional sensors
- [ ] GPS
- [ ] Collision