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# Introduction (WIP)
An attempt to create a remote weather station hub on the Raspberry Pi.
The repository consists on several modules written in C# and an Android application written in Java.
Communication between the Raspberry and the Android application is done via [gRPC](https://grpc.io/).
**The project is still undergoing development and it's not production ready.**
# Architecture
# Installing and Developing
## Requirements
To build this project you will need to install .Net Core 3.1 and Android Studio.
* https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/core/install/
* https://developer.android.com/studio
To run this project on the Raspberry Pi you will need dotnet core 3.1. installed.
## Building
The following script provides instructions on how to build the whole project and deploy the NucuCar.Sensors module on the Raspberry Pi.
#### Manual
// Build project
dotnet build --runtime linux-arm -p:PublishSingleFile=true --configuration Release
// Navigate to desired project directory, for example NucuCar.Sensors.
cd NucuCar.Sensors
// Create .tar
tar -zcvf nh.tar.gz .\bin\Release\netcoreapp3.1\linux-arm\*
// Copy onto pi (replace with your ip, user)
sftp pi@
sftp> put nh.tar.gz
sftp> exit
// SSH into pi
ssh pi@
// Extract the archive and cd into it
tar -zxvf nh.tar.gz
cd bin/Release/netcoreapp3.1/linux-arm/
// Grant execution permissions
chmod +x NucuCar.Sensors
// Run the program
To make it easier for you to run the project, you may define a SystemD service for it:
1\. Create the SystemD service file with the following command:
sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/nucucar_sensors.service
2\. Paste the following contents and make sure to update the WorkingDirectory and ExecStarts paths:
Description=NucuCar.Sensors SystemD Service.
3\. SystemD commands
sudo systemctl start nucucar_sensors
sudo systemctl stop nucucar_sensors
sudo systemctl restart nucucar_sensors
sudo systemctl status nucucar_sensors
Enable starts the service after the pi has booted, disable undoes what enable does.
sudo systemctl enable nucucar_sensors
sudo systemctl disable nucucar_sensors
#### Docker-Compose
To run the project you can take advantage of `docker-compsose` and run it with the following commands:
git clone https://github.com/dnutiu/NucuCar.git
cd NucuCar
docker-compose up
_(This is not recommended as the performance will take a significant hit.)_
## Directory Structure Overview
### NucuHub.Android
Holds the Android application.
We are currently targeting Android API 29+.
### NucuCar.Domain
Holds common classes and interfaces that are required by the projects,
provides all the types that are generated via protocol buffers and some utility classes.
### NucuCar.Telemetry
Holds concrete implementation for telemetry publishers and workers.
The Telemetry project can be used by other projects such as
NucuCar.Sensors to send telemetry into the cloud.
This project is not deployed.
### NucuCar.Sensors
Manages all the sensors. For more info see the readme file located in the project directory.
This module is runnable and is deployed on the Raspberry Pi.
### NucuCar.TestClient
Command line utility to play around with the car functionality.
You can use it to remotely read data from the sensors via gRPC methods and
to publish and read telemetry data.
### Docs
Holds project resources and documentation.