package pkg import ( "errors" "" "" "" "math" ) // Configuration holds all the application's configurable settings. type Configuration struct { // LoggingLevel is the logging level. LoggingLevel string `json:"logging_level"` // SentryDSN is the DSN used by Sentry, for reporting errors. SentryDSN string `json:"sentry_dsn"` // KafkaPollingGoroutines is the number of goroutines that will poll Kafka for new messages. KafkaPollingGoroutines int `json:"kafka_polling_goroutines"` // KafkaPollingTimeoutMs is the timeout in milliseconds for the message poll(). KafkaPollingTimeoutMs int `json:"kafka_polling_timeout_ms"` // KafkaBoostrapServers is a string of comma separated boostrap servers. KafkaBoostrapServers string `json:"kafka_boostrap_servers"` // KafkaGroupId is the Kafka consumer group id. KafkaGroupId string `json:"kafka_group_id"` // SubscribeTopics is the list of topics or patterns to subscribe to. SubscribeTopics []string `json:"subscribe_topics"` // LokiPushUrl is the full URL of the Loki push API endpoint. LokiPushUrl string `json:"loki_push_url"` // LokiPushMode is the mode used to push data to Loki, http or proto. LokiPushMode string `json:"loki_push_mode"` // BufferMaxBatchSize is the batch size that will be sent to Loki. BufferMaxBatchSize int `json:"buffer_max_batch_size"` // BufferMaxBytesSize is max buffer size in bytes uncompressed and unserialized that will be sent to Loki. BufferMaxBytesSize int `json:"buffer_max_bytes_size"` // KafkaOffsetReset is analogous to KafkaOffsetReset string `json:"kafka_offset_reset"` } // ToPrettyJson transforms the current configuration to a pretty json. func (c Configuration) ToPrettyJson() string { prettyJson, err := json.MarshalIndent(c, "", " ") if err != nil { SugaredLogger.Error("failed to convert config to pretty json") return "" } return string(prettyJson) } // ViperConfigurator is a convenient wrapper over Viper. type ViperConfigurator struct { viper *viper.Viper configuration Configuration } func NewViperConfigurator() (*ViperConfigurator, error) { viperInstance := viper.New() viperInstance.SetConfigName("config") viperInstance.SetConfigType("json") viperInstance.AddConfigPath("$HOME/.speedy") viperInstance.AddConfigPath(".") viperInstance.SetEnvPrefix("SG") viperInstance.AutomaticEnv() if err := viperInstance.ReadInConfig(); err != nil { if _, ok := err.(viper.ConfigFileNotFoundError); ok { SugaredLogger.Warn("Config file not found") } else { SugaredLogger.Error("Error loading config file.") sentry.CaptureException(err) return nil, err } } viperConfigurator := ViperConfigurator{viperInstance, Configuration{}} err := viperConfigurator.loadConfig() if err != nil { SugaredLogger.Error(err) sentry.CaptureException(err) return nil, err } return &viperConfigurator, nil } // GetConfig returns a copy of the Configuration data structure. func (v *ViperConfigurator) GetConfig() Configuration { return v.configuration } // loadConfig loads configuration from viper onto the internal data structures. func (v *ViperConfigurator) loadConfig() error { v.configuration.KafkaBoostrapServers = v.viper.GetString("kafka_bootstrap_servers") if v.configuration.KafkaBoostrapServers == "" { return errors.New("kafka_bootstrap_servers is empty") } v.configuration.KafkaGroupId = v.viper.GetString("kafka_group_id") if v.configuration.KafkaGroupId == "" { return errors.New("kafka_group_id is empty") } v.configuration.LokiPushUrl = v.viper.GetString("loki_push_url") if v.configuration.LokiPushUrl == "" { return errors.New("loki_push_url is empty") } v.configuration.SubscribeTopics = v.viper.GetStringSlice("subscribe_topics") if len(v.configuration.SubscribeTopics) == 0 { return errors.New("subscribe_topics is empty") } v.viper.SetDefault("buffer_max_batch_size", 10_000) v.configuration.BufferMaxBatchSize = v.viper.GetInt("buffer_max_batch_size") v.viper.SetDefault("buffer_max_bytes_size", math.MaxInt32) v.configuration.BufferMaxBytesSize = v.viper.GetInt("buffer_max_bytes_size") v.viper.SetDefault("loki_push_mode", "http") v.configuration.LokiPushMode = v.viper.GetString("loki_push_mode") v.viper.SetDefault("kafka_offset_reset", "earliest") v.configuration.KafkaOffsetReset = v.viper.GetString("kafka_offset_reset") v.viper.SetDefault("logging_level", "info") v.configuration.LoggingLevel = v.viper.GetString("logging_level") v.viper.SetDefault("kafka_polling_goroutines", 5) v.configuration.KafkaPollingGoroutines = v.viper.GetInt("kafka_polling_goroutines") v.viper.SetDefault("kafka_polling_timeout_ms", 30_000) v.configuration.KafkaPollingTimeoutMs = v.viper.GetInt("kafka_polling_timeout_ms") v.viper.SetDefault("sentry_dsn", "") v.configuration.SentryDSN = v.viper.GetString("sentry_dsn") return nil }