21 lines
554 B
21 lines
554 B
# Golang is our base images.
FROM golang:1.7
# Make a directory called simplFT
RUN mkdir -p /go/src/github.com/metonimie/simplFT/
# Copy the current dir contents into simplFT
ADD . /go/src/github.com/metonimie/simplFT/
# Set the working directory to simplFT
WORKDIR /go/src/github.com/metonimie/simplFT/
# Install dependencies
RUN go get "github.com/zyxar/image2ascii/ascii"
RUN go get "github.com/spf13/viper"
# Build the application
RUN go build ./main.go
# Run simplFT when the container launches
CMD ["./main", "-config-name", "docker-config"]