package logging import ( "fmt" "strings" ) import ( "" "" ) type LogOption struct { name string value string } // SugaredLogger is the Zap SugaredLogger for use withing the harvester. var SugaredLogger *zap.SugaredLogger func getZapLevel(level string) zapcore.Level { loweredLevel := strings.ToLower(level) if loweredLevel == "info" { return zapcore.InfoLevel } if loweredLevel == "warn" || loweredLevel == "warning" { return zapcore.WarnLevel } if loweredLevel == "error" { return zapcore.ErrorLevel } if loweredLevel == "fatal" { return zapcore.FatalLevel } if loweredLevel == "debug" { return zapcore.DebugLevel } panic(fmt.Sprintf("Invalid logging level %s.", level)) } // LogFilePath returns a LogFilePath LogOption with the given path value. //goland:noinspection GoUnusedExportedFunction func LogFilePath(pathValue string) LogOption { return LogOption{ name: "LogFilePath", value: pathValue, } } // GetLogOption retrieves a LogOption by name from a log options slice. Returns the option if found or null otherwise. func GetLogOption(logOptions []LogOption, optionName string) *LogOption { for _, v := range logOptions { if == optionName { return &v } } return nil } // InitLoggingWithParams initialises SugaredLogger with params. func InitLoggingWithParams(logLevel string, logType string, logFilePath ...LogOption) { outputPaths := make([]string, 0, 2) errOutputPaths := make([]string, 0, 2) // Build console or file logger based on type. for _, logType := range strings.Split(logType, ",") { if logType == "console" { outputPaths = append(outputPaths, "stdout") errOutputPaths = append(errOutputPaths, "stderr") } else if logType == "file" { logPath := "" logPathOption := GetLogOption(logFilePath, "LogFilePath") if logPathOption != nil { logPath = } outputPaths = append(outputPaths, logPath) errOutputPaths = append(errOutputPaths, logPath) } } zapProduction := zap.Config{ Level: zap.NewAtomicLevelAt(getZapLevel(logLevel)), Development: false, Encoding: "console", EncoderConfig: zapcore.EncoderConfig{ // Keys can be anything except the empty string. TimeKey: "time", LevelKey: "level", NameKey: "name", CallerKey: "caller", MessageKey: "message", StacktraceKey: "stacktrace", LineEnding: zapcore.DefaultLineEnding, EncodeLevel: zapcore.CapitalLevelEncoder, EncodeTime: zapcore.ISO8601TimeEncoder, EncodeDuration: zapcore.StringDurationEncoder, EncodeCaller: zapcore.ShortCallerEncoder, }, OutputPaths: outputPaths, ErrorOutputPaths: errOutputPaths, } UpdateLogger(zapProduction) } // UpdateLogger updates the logger's configuration. func UpdateLogger(cfg zap.Config) { logger, _ := cfg.Build() SugaredLogger = logger.Sugar() } // LeveledSugaredLogger is an adapter for adapting the SugaredLogger to LeveledLogger interface. type LeveledSugaredLogger struct { } // Error is a wrapper over SugaredLogger's Errorf func (a *LeveledSugaredLogger) Error(msg string, keysAndValues ...interface{}) { SugaredLogger.Errorf(msg, keysAndValues) } // Info is a wrapper over SugaredLogger's Infof func (a *LeveledSugaredLogger) Info(msg string, keysAndValues ...interface{}) { SugaredLogger.Infof(msg, keysAndValues) } // Debug is a wrapper over SugaredLogger's Debugf func (a *LeveledSugaredLogger) Debug(msg string, keysAndValues ...interface{}) { SugaredLogger.Debugf(msg, keysAndValues) } // Warn is a wrapper over SugaredLogger's Warnf func (a *LeveledSugaredLogger) Warn(msg string, keysAndValues ...interface{}) { SugaredLogger.Warnf(msg, keysAndValues) } // init initialises logging with default values. func init() { InitLoggingWithParams("info", "console") }