953 lines
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//! This crate is a pure Rust implementation for the BME680 environmental sensor.
//! The library can be used to read the gas, pressure, humidity and temperature sensors via I²C.
//! The library uses the embedded-hal crate to abstract reading and writing via I²C.
//! In the examples you can find a demo how to use the library in Linux using the linux-embedded-hal crate (e.g. on a RPI).
//! ```no_run
//! extern crate bme680;
//! extern crate embedded_hal;
//! extern crate linux_embedded_hal as hal;
//! use bme680::*;
//! use embedded_hal::blocking::i2c;
//! use hal::*;
//! use std::result;
//! use std::time::Duration;
//! fn main() -> result::Result<(), Error<<hal::I2cdev as i2c::Read>::Error, <hal::I2cdev as i2c::Write>::Error>>
//! {
//! // Initialize device
//! let i2c = I2cdev::new("/dev/i2c-1").unwrap();
//! let mut dev = Bme680::init(i2c, Delay {}, I2CAddress::Primary)?;
//! let settings = SettingsBuilder::new()
//! .with_humidity_oversampling(OversamplingSetting::OS2x)
//! .with_pressure_oversampling(OversamplingSetting::OS4x)
//! .with_temperature_oversampling(OversamplingSetting::OS8x)
//! .with_temperature_filter(IIRFilterSize::Size3)
//! .with_gas_measurement(Duration::from_millis(1500), 320, 25)
//! .with_run_gas(true)
//! .build();
//! dev.set_sensor_settings(settings)?;
//! // Read sensor data
//! dev.set_sensor_mode(PowerMode::ForcedMode)?;
//! let (data, _state) = dev.get_sensor_data()?;
//! println!("Temperature {}°C", data.temperature_celsius());
//! println!("Pressure {}hPa", data.pressure_hpa());
//! println!("Humidity {}%", data.humidity_percent());
//! println!("Gas Resistence {}Ω", data.gas_resistance_ohm());
//! Ok(())
//! }
//! ```
pub use self::settings::{
DesiredSensorSettings, GasSett, IIRFilterSize, OversamplingSetting, SensorSettings, Settings,
SettingsBuilder, TphSett,
mod calc;
mod settings;
use crate::calc::Calc;
use crate::hal::blocking::delay::DelayMs;
use crate::hal::blocking::i2c::{Read, Write};
use core::result;
use core::time::Duration;
use embedded_hal as hal;
use log::{debug, error, info};
/// BME680 General config
pub const BME680_POLL_PERIOD_MS: u8 = 10;
/// BME680 unique chip identifier
pub const BME680_CHIP_ID: u8 = 0x61;
/// BME680 field_x related defines
const BME680_FIELD_LENGTH: usize = 15;
/// BME680 coefficients related defines
const BME680_COEFF_ADDR1_LEN: usize = 25;
const BME680_COEFF_ADDR2_LEN: usize = 16;
const BME680_SOFT_RESET_CMD: u8 = 0xb6;
/// Register map
/// Other coefficient's address
const BME680_ADDR_RES_HEAT_VAL_ADDR: u8 = 0x00;
const BME680_ADDR_RES_HEAT_RANGE_ADDR: u8 = 0x02;
const BME680_ADDR_RANGE_SW_ERR_ADDR: u8 = 0x04;
const BME680_ADDR_SENS_CONF_START: u8 = 0x5A;
const BME680_ADDR_GAS_CONF_START: u8 = 0x64;
const BME680_SOFT_RESET_ADDR: u8 = 0xe0;
/// Field settings
const BME680_FIELD0_ADDR: u8 = 0x1d;
/// Heater settings
const BME680_RES_HEAT0_ADDR: u8 = 0x5a;
const BME680_GAS_WAIT0_ADDR: u8 = 0x64;
/// Sensor configuration registers
const BME680_CONF_HEAT_CTRL_ADDR: u8 = 0x70;
const BME680_CONF_ODR_RUN_GAS_NBC_ADDR: u8 = 0x71;
const BME680_CONF_OS_H_ADDR: u8 = 0x72;
const BME680_CONF_T_P_MODE_ADDR: u8 = 0x74;
const BME680_CONF_ODR_FILT_ADDR: u8 = 0x75;
/// Coefficient's address
const BME680_COEFF_ADDR1: u8 = 0x89;
const BME680_COEFF_ADDR2: u8 = 0xe1;
/// Chip identifier
const BME680_CHIP_ID_ADDR: u8 = 0xd0;
const BME680_SLEEP_MODE: u8 = 0;
const BME680_FORCED_MODE: u8 = 1;
const BME680_RESET_PERIOD: u8 = 10;
const BME680_MODE_MSK: u8 = 0x03;
const BME680_RSERROR_MSK: u8 = 0xf0;
const BME680_NEW_DATA_MSK: u8 = 0x80;
const BME680_GAS_INDEX_MSK: u8 = 0x0f;
const BME680_GAS_RANGE_MSK: u8 = 0x0f;
const BME680_GASM_VALID_MSK: u8 = 0x20;
const BME680_HEAT_STAB_MSK: u8 = 0x10;
/// Buffer length macro declaration
const BME680_TMP_BUFFER_LENGTH: usize = 40;
const BME680_REG_BUFFER_LENGTH: usize = 6;
/// All possible errors in this crate
pub enum Error<R, W> {
/// aka BME680_E_COM_FAIL
/// aka BME680_E_DEV_NOT_FOUND
/// Warning aka BME680_W_DEFINE_PWR_MODE
/// Warning aka BME680_W_DEFINE_PWR_MODE
/// Warning Boundary Check
BoundaryCheckFailure(&'static str),
/// Abbreviates `std::result::Result` type
pub type Result<T, R, W> = result::Result<T, Error<R, W>>;
/// Power mode settings
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone, Copy)]
pub enum PowerMode {
impl PowerMode {
// TODO replace with TryFrom once stabilized
fn from(power_mode: u8) -> Self {
match power_mode {
BME680_SLEEP_MODE => PowerMode::SleepMode,
BME680_FORCED_MODE => PowerMode::ForcedMode,
_ => panic!("Unknown power mode: {}", power_mode),
fn value(&self) -> u8 {
match self {
PowerMode::SleepMode => BME680_SLEEP_MODE,
PowerMode::ForcedMode => BME680_FORCED_MODE,
/// I2C Slave Address
/// To determine the slave address of your device you can use `i2cdetect -y 1` on linux.
/// The 7-bit device address is 111011x. The 6 MSB bits are fixed.
/// The last bit is changeable by SDO value and can be changed during operation.
/// Connecting SDO to GND results in slave address 1110110 (0x76); connection it to V DDIO results in slave
/// address 1110111 (0x77), which is the same as BMP280’s I2C address.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub enum I2CAddress {
/// Primary Slave Address 0x77
/// Secondary Slave Address 0x77
/// Alternative address
impl I2CAddress {
pub fn addr(&self) -> u8 {
match &self {
I2CAddress::Primary => 0x76u8,
I2CAddress::Secondary => 0x77u8,
I2CAddress::Other(addr) => addr.clone(),
impl Default for I2CAddress {
fn default() -> I2CAddress {
/// Calibration data used during initalization
#[derive(Debug, Default, Copy)]
pub struct CalibData {
pub par_h1: u16,
pub par_h2: u16,
pub par_h3: i8,
pub par_h4: i8,
pub par_h5: i8,
pub par_h6: u8,
pub par_h7: i8,
pub par_gh1: i8,
pub par_gh2: i16,
pub par_gh3: i8,
pub par_t1: u16,
pub par_t2: i16,
pub par_t3: i8,
pub par_p1: u16,
pub par_p2: i16,
pub par_p3: i8,
pub par_p4: i16,
pub par_p5: i16,
pub par_p6: i8,
pub par_p7: i8,
pub par_p8: i16,
pub par_p9: i16,
pub par_p10: u8,
pub res_heat_range: u8,
pub res_heat_val: i8,
pub range_sw_err: u8,
impl Clone for CalibData {
fn clone(&self) -> Self {
/// Contains read sensors values e.g. temperature, pressure, humidity etc.
#[derive(Debug, Default, Copy)]
pub struct FieldData {
/// Contains new_data, gasm_valid & heat_stab
status: u8,
/// Index of heater profile used
gas_index: u8,
/// Measurement index
meas_index: u8,
temperature: i16,
pressure: u32,
humidity: u32,
gas_resistance: u32,
impl Clone for FieldData {
fn clone(&self) -> Self {
impl FieldData {
/// Temperature in degree celsius (°C)
pub fn temperature_celsius(&self) -> f32 {
self.temperature as f32 / 100f32
/// Pressure in hectopascal (hPA)
pub fn pressure_hpa(&self) -> f32 {
self.pressure as f32 / 100f32
/// Humidity in % relative humidity
pub fn humidity_percent(&self) -> f32 {
self.humidity as f32 / 1000f32
pub fn gas_resistance_ohm(&self) -> u32 {
/// Shows if new data is available
#[derive(PartialEq, Debug)]
pub enum FieldDataCondition {
/// Data changed since last read
/// Data has not changed since last read
struct I2CUtil {}
impl I2CUtil {
pub fn read_byte<I2C>(
i2c: &mut I2C,
dev_id: u8,
reg_addr: u8,
) -> Result<u8, <I2C as Read>::Error, <I2C as Write>::Error>
I2C: Read + Write,
let mut buf = [0; 1];
i2c.write(dev_id, &mut [reg_addr])
.map_err(|e| Error::I2CWrite(e))?;
match i2c.read(dev_id, &mut buf) {
Ok(()) => Ok(buf[0]),
Err(e) => Err(Error::I2CRead(e)),
pub fn read_bytes<I2C>(
i2c: &mut I2C,
dev_id: u8,
reg_addr: u8,
buf: &mut [u8],
) -> Result<(), <I2C as Read>::Error, <I2C as Write>::Error>
I2C: Read + Write,
i2c.write(dev_id, &mut [reg_addr])
.map_err(|e| Error::I2CWrite(e))?;
match i2c.read(dev_id, buf) {
Ok(()) => Ok(()),
Err(e) => Err(Error::I2CRead(e)),
/// Driver for the BME680 environmental sensor
pub struct Bme680<I2C, D> {
i2c: I2C,
delay: D,
dev_id: I2CAddress,
calib: CalibData,
// TODO remove ? as it may not reflect the state of the device
tph_sett: TphSett,
// TODO remove ? as it may not reflect the state of the device
gas_sett: GasSett,
// TODO remove ? as it may not reflect the state of the device
power_mode: PowerMode,
fn boundary_check<I2C>(
value: Option<u8>,
value_name: &'static str,
min: u8,
max: u8,
) -> Result<u8, <I2C as Read>::Error, <I2C as Write>::Error>
I2C: Read + Write,
let value = value.ok_or(Error::BoundaryCheckFailure(value_name))?;
if value < min {
const MIN: &str = "Boundary check failure, value exceeds maximum";
error!("{}, value name: {}", MIN, value_name);
return Err(Error::BoundaryCheckFailure(MIN));
if value > max {
const MAX: &str = "Boundary check, value exceeds minimum";
error!("{}, value name: {}", MAX, value_name);
return Err(Error::BoundaryCheckFailure(MAX));
impl<I2C, D> Bme680<I2C, D>
D: DelayMs<u8>,
I2C: Read + Write,
pub fn soft_reset(
i2c: &mut I2C,
delay: &mut D,
dev_id: I2CAddress,
) -> Result<(), <I2C as Read>::Error, <I2C as Write>::Error> {
let tmp_buff: [u8; 2] = [BME680_SOFT_RESET_ADDR, BME680_SOFT_RESET_CMD];
i2c.write(dev_id.addr(), &tmp_buff)
.map_err(|e| Error::I2CWrite(e))?;
pub fn init(
mut i2c: I2C,
mut delay: D,
dev_id: I2CAddress,
) -> Result<Bme680<I2C, D>, <I2C as Read>::Error, <I2C as Write>::Error> {
Bme680::soft_reset(&mut i2c, &mut delay, dev_id)?;
debug!("Reading chip id");
/* Soft reset to restore it to default values*/
let chip_id = I2CUtil::read_byte::<I2C>(&mut i2c, dev_id.addr(), BME680_CHIP_ID_ADDR)?;
debug!("Chip id: {}", chip_id);
if chip_id == BME680_CHIP_ID {
debug!("Reading calib data");
let calib = Bme680::<I2C, D>::get_calib_data::<I2C>(&mut i2c, dev_id)?;
debug!("Calib data {:?}", calib);
let dev = Bme680 {
i2c: i2c,
delay: delay,
dev_id: dev_id,
calib: calib,
power_mode: PowerMode::ForcedMode,
tph_sett: Default::default(),
gas_sett: Default::default(),
info!("Finished device init");
} else {
error!("Device does not match chip id {}", BME680_CHIP_ID);
fn bme680_set_regs(
&mut self,
reg: &[(u8, u8)],
) -> Result<(), <I2C as Read>::Error, <I2C as Write>::Error> {
if reg.is_empty() || reg.len() > (BME680_TMP_BUFFER_LENGTH / 2) as usize {
return Err(Error::InvalidLength);
for (reg_addr, reg_data) in reg {
let tmp_buff: [u8; 2] = [reg_addr.clone(), reg_data.clone()];
"Setting register reg: {:?} tmp_buf: {:?}",
reg_addr, tmp_buff
.write(self.dev_id.addr(), &tmp_buff)
.map_err(|e| Error::I2CWrite(e))?;
/// Set the settings to be used during the sensor measurements
pub fn set_sensor_settings(
&mut self,
settings: Settings,
) -> Result<(), <I2C as Read>::Error, <I2C as Write>::Error> {
let (sensor_settings, desired_settings) = settings;
let tph_sett = sensor_settings.tph_sett;
let gas_sett = sensor_settings.gas_sett;
let mut reg: [(u8, u8); BME680_REG_BUFFER_LENGTH] = [(0, 0); BME680_REG_BUFFER_LENGTH];
let intended_power_mode = self.power_mode;
if desired_settings.contains(DesiredSensorSettings::GAS_MEAS_SEL) {
debug!("GAS_MEAS_SEL: true");
let power_mode = self.power_mode;
let mut element_index = 0;
// Selecting the filter
if desired_settings.contains(DesiredSensorSettings::FILTER_SEL) {
let mut data =
I2CUtil::read_byte(&mut self.i2c, self.dev_id.addr(), BME680_CONF_ODR_FILT_ADDR)?;
debug!("FILTER_SEL: true");
data = (data as (i32) & !0x1ci32
| tph_sett.filter.unwrap_or(IIRFilterSize::Size0) as (i32) << 2i32 & 0x1ci32)
as (u8);
reg[element_index] = (BME680_CONF_ODR_FILT_ADDR, data);
element_index += 1;
if desired_settings.contains(DesiredSensorSettings::HCNTRL_SEL) {
debug!("HCNTRL_SEL: true");
let gas_sett_heatr_ctrl =
boundary_check::<I2C>(gas_sett.heatr_ctrl, "GasSett.heatr_ctrl", 0x0u8, 0x8u8)?;
let mut data = I2CUtil::read_byte(
&mut self.i2c,
data = (data as (i32) & !0x8i32 | gas_sett_heatr_ctrl as (i32) & 0x8) as (u8);
reg[element_index] = (BME680_CONF_HEAT_CTRL_ADDR, data);
element_index += 1;
// Selecting heater T,P oversampling for the sensor
if desired_settings
.contains(DesiredSensorSettings::OST_SEL | DesiredSensorSettings::OSP_SEL)
let mut data =
I2CUtil::read_byte(&mut self.i2c, self.dev_id.addr(), BME680_CONF_T_P_MODE_ADDR)?;
if desired_settings.contains(DesiredSensorSettings::OST_SEL) {
debug!("OST_SEL: true");
let tph_sett_os_temp = boundary_check::<I2C>(
tph_sett.os_temp.map(|x| x as u8),
data = (data as (i32) & !0xe0i32 | tph_sett_os_temp as (i32) << 5i32 & 0xe0i32)
as (u8);
if desired_settings.contains(DesiredSensorSettings::OSP_SEL) {
debug!("OSP_SEL: true");
let tph_sett_os_pres = tph_sett.os_temp.expect("OS TEMP");
data = (data as (i32) & !0x1ci32 | tph_sett_os_pres as (i32) << 2i32 & 0x1ci32)
as (u8);
reg[element_index] = (BME680_CONF_T_P_MODE_ADDR, data);
element_index += 1;
// Selecting humidity oversampling for the sensor
if desired_settings.contains(DesiredSensorSettings::OSH_SEL) {
debug!("OSH_SEL: true");
let tph_sett_os_hum =
boundary_check::<I2C>(tph_sett.os_hum.map(|x| x as u8), "TphSett.os_hum", 0, 5)?;
let mut data =
I2CUtil::read_byte(&mut self.i2c, self.dev_id.addr(), BME680_CONF_OS_H_ADDR)?;
data = (data as (i32) & !0x7i32 | tph_sett_os_hum as (i32) & 0x7i32) as (u8);
reg[element_index] = (BME680_CONF_OS_H_ADDR, data);
element_index += 1;
// Selecting the runGas and NB conversion settings for the sensor
if desired_settings
.contains(DesiredSensorSettings::RUN_GAS_SEL | DesiredSensorSettings::NBCONV_SEL)
let mut data = I2CUtil::read_byte(
&mut self.i2c,
if desired_settings.contains(DesiredSensorSettings::RUN_GAS_SEL) {
debug!("RUN_GAS_SEL: true");
data = (data as (i32) & !0x10i32
| gas_sett.run_gas_measurement as (i32) << 4i32 & 0x10i32)
as (u8);
if desired_settings.contains(DesiredSensorSettings::NBCONV_SEL) {
debug!("NBCONV_SEL: true");
let gas_sett_nb_conv =
boundary_check::<I2C>(Some(gas_sett.nb_conv), "GasSett.nb_conv", 0, 10)?;
data = (data as (i32) & !0xfi32 | gas_sett_nb_conv as (i32) & 0xfi32) as (u8);
reg[element_index] = (BME680_CONF_ODR_RUN_GAS_NBC_ADDR, data);
element_index += 1;
// Restore previous intended power mode
self.power_mode = intended_power_mode;
self.tph_sett = tph_sett;
/// Retrieve settings from sensor registers
/// # Arguments
/// * `desired_settings` - Settings to be retrieved. Setting values may stay `None` if not retrieved.
pub fn get_sensor_settings(
&mut self,
desired_settings: DesiredSensorSettings,
) -> Result<SensorSettings, <I2C as Read>::Error, <I2C as Write>::Error> {
let reg_addr: u8 = 0x70u8;
let mut data_array: [u8; BME680_REG_BUFFER_LENGTH] = [0; BME680_REG_BUFFER_LENGTH];
let mut sensor_settings: SensorSettings = Default::default();
sensor_settings.tph_sett.temperature_offset = self.tph_sett.temperature_offset;
I2CUtil::read_bytes(&mut self.i2c, self.dev_id.addr(), reg_addr, &mut data_array)?;
if desired_settings.contains(DesiredSensorSettings::GAS_MEAS_SEL) {
sensor_settings.gas_sett = self.get_gas_config()?;
if desired_settings.contains(DesiredSensorSettings::FILTER_SEL) {
sensor_settings.tph_sett.filter = Some(IIRFilterSize::from_u8(
((data_array[5usize] as (i32) & 0x1ci32) >> 2i32) as (u8),
if desired_settings
.contains(DesiredSensorSettings::OST_SEL | DesiredSensorSettings::OSP_SEL)
let os_temp: u8 = ((data_array[4usize] as (i32) & 0xe0i32) >> 5i32) as (u8);
let os_pres: u8 = ((data_array[4usize] as (i32) & 0x1ci32) >> 2i32) as (u8);
sensor_settings.tph_sett.os_temp = Some(OversamplingSetting::from_u8(os_temp));
sensor_settings.tph_sett.os_pres = Some(OversamplingSetting::from_u8(os_pres));
if desired_settings.contains(DesiredSensorSettings::OSH_SEL) {
let os_hum: u8 = (data_array[2usize] as (i32) & 0x7i32) as (u8);
sensor_settings.tph_sett.os_hum = Some(OversamplingSetting::from_u8(os_hum));
if desired_settings.contains(DesiredSensorSettings::HCNTRL_SEL) {
sensor_settings.gas_sett.heatr_ctrl =
Some((data_array[0usize] as (i32) & 0x8i32) as (u8));
if desired_settings
.contains(DesiredSensorSettings::RUN_GAS_SEL | DesiredSensorSettings::NBCONV_SEL)
sensor_settings.gas_sett.nb_conv = (data_array[1usize] as (i32) & 0xfi32) as (u8);
sensor_settings.gas_sett.run_gas_measurement =
((data_array[1usize] as (i32) & 0x10i32) >> 4i32) == 0;
/// Set the sensor into a certain power mode
/// # Arguments
/// * `target_power_mode` - Desired target power mode
pub fn set_sensor_mode(
&mut self,
target_power_mode: PowerMode,
) -> Result<(), <I2C as Read>::Error, <I2C as Write>::Error> {
let mut tmp_pow_mode: u8;
let mut current_power_mode: PowerMode;
// Call repeatedly until in sleep
loop {
tmp_pow_mode =
I2CUtil::read_byte(&mut self.i2c, self.dev_id.addr(), BME680_CONF_T_P_MODE_ADDR)?;
// Put to sleep before changing mode
current_power_mode = PowerMode::from(tmp_pow_mode & BME680_MODE_MSK);
debug!("Current power mode: {:?}", current_power_mode);
if current_power_mode != PowerMode::SleepMode {
// Set to sleep
tmp_pow_mode = tmp_pow_mode & !BME680_MODE_MSK;
debug!("Setting to sleep tmp_pow_mode: {}", tmp_pow_mode);
self.bme680_set_regs(&[(BME680_CONF_T_P_MODE_ADDR, tmp_pow_mode)])?;
} else {
// TODO do while in Rust?
// Already in sleep
if target_power_mode != PowerMode::SleepMode {
tmp_pow_mode = tmp_pow_mode & !BME680_MODE_MSK | target_power_mode.value();
debug!("Already in sleep Target power mode: {}", tmp_pow_mode);
self.bme680_set_regs(&[(BME680_CONF_T_P_MODE_ADDR, tmp_pow_mode)])?;
/// Retrieve current sensor power mode via registers
pub fn get_sensor_mode(
&mut self,
) -> Result<PowerMode, <I2C as Read>::Error, <I2C as Write>::Error> {
let regs =
I2CUtil::read_byte(&mut self.i2c, self.dev_id.addr(), BME680_CONF_T_P_MODE_ADDR)?;
let mode = regs & BME680_MODE_MSK;
pub fn bme680_set_profile_dur(&mut self, tph_sett: TphSett, duration: Duration) {
let os_to_meas_cycles: [u8; 6] = [0u8, 1u8, 2u8, 4u8, 8u8, 16u8];
// TODO check if the following unwrap_ors do not change behaviour
// TODO replace once https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/pull/50167 has been merged
const MILLIS_PER_SEC: u64 = 1_000;
const NANOS_PER_MILLI: u64 = 1_000_000;
let millis = (duration.as_secs() as u64 * MILLIS_PER_SEC)
+ (duration.subsec_nanos() as u64 / NANOS_PER_MILLI);
let mut meas_cycles = os_to_meas_cycles
[tph_sett.os_temp.unwrap_or(OversamplingSetting::OSNone) as (usize)]
as (u64);
meas_cycles = meas_cycles.wrapping_add(
os_to_meas_cycles[tph_sett.os_pres.unwrap_or(OversamplingSetting::OSNone) as (usize)]
as (u64),
meas_cycles = meas_cycles.wrapping_add(
os_to_meas_cycles[tph_sett.os_hum.unwrap_or(OversamplingSetting::OSNone) as (usize)]
as (u64),
let mut tph_dur = meas_cycles.wrapping_mul(1963u64);
tph_dur = tph_dur.wrapping_add(477u64.wrapping_mul(4u64));
tph_dur = tph_dur.wrapping_add(477u64.wrapping_mul(5u64));
tph_dur = tph_dur.wrapping_add(500u64);
tph_dur = tph_dur.wrapping_div(1000u64);
tph_dur = tph_dur.wrapping_add(1u64);
self.gas_sett.heatr_dur = Some(Duration::from_millis(millis - tph_dur));
pub fn get_profile_dur(
sensor_settings: &SensorSettings,
) -> Result<Duration, <I2C as Read>::Error, <I2C as Write>::Error> {
let os_to_meas_cycles: [u8; 6] = [0u8, 1u8, 2u8, 4u8, 8u8, 16u8];
// TODO check if the following unwrap_ors do not change behaviour
let mut meas_cycles = os_to_meas_cycles[sensor_settings
as (usize)] as (u32);
meas_cycles = meas_cycles.wrapping_add(
.unwrap_or(OversamplingSetting::OSNone) as (usize)] as (u32),
meas_cycles = meas_cycles.wrapping_add(
.unwrap_or(OversamplingSetting::OSNone) as (usize)] as (u32),
let mut tph_dur = meas_cycles.wrapping_mul(1963u32);
tph_dur = tph_dur.wrapping_add(477u32.wrapping_mul(4u32));
tph_dur = tph_dur.wrapping_add(477u32.wrapping_mul(5u32));
tph_dur = tph_dur.wrapping_add(500u32);
tph_dur = tph_dur.wrapping_div(1000u32);
tph_dur = tph_dur.wrapping_add(1u32);
let mut duration = Duration::from_millis(tph_dur as u64);
if sensor_settings.gas_sett.run_gas_measurement {
duration = duration + sensor_settings.gas_sett.heatr_dur.expect("Heatrdur");
fn get_calib_data<I2CX>(
i2c: &mut I2CX,
dev_id: I2CAddress,
) -> Result<CalibData, <I2CX as Read>::Error, <I2CX as Write>::Error>
I2CX: Read + Write,
let mut calib: CalibData = Default::default();
let mut coeff_array: [u8; (BME680_COEFF_ADDR1_LEN + BME680_COEFF_ADDR2_LEN)] =
&mut coeff_array[0..(BME680_COEFF_ADDR1_LEN - 1)],
&mut coeff_array
calib.par_t1 = (coeff_array[34usize] as (u16) as (i32) << 8i32
| coeff_array[33usize] as (u16) as (i32)) as (u16);
calib.par_t2 = (coeff_array[2usize] as (u16) as (i32) << 8i32
| coeff_array[1usize] as (u16) as (i32)) as (i16);
calib.par_t3 = coeff_array[3usize] as (i8);
calib.par_p1 = (coeff_array[6usize] as (u16) as (i32) << 8i32
| coeff_array[5usize] as (u16) as (i32)) as (u16);
calib.par_p2 = (coeff_array[8usize] as (u16) as (i32) << 8i32
| coeff_array[7usize] as (u16) as (i32)) as (i16);
calib.par_p3 = coeff_array[9usize] as (i8);
calib.par_p4 = (coeff_array[12usize] as (u16) as (i32) << 8i32
| coeff_array[11usize] as (u16) as (i32)) as (i16);
calib.par_p5 = (coeff_array[14usize] as (u16) as (i32) << 8i32
| coeff_array[13usize] as (u16) as (i32)) as (i16);
calib.par_p6 = coeff_array[16usize] as (i8);
calib.par_p7 = coeff_array[15usize] as (i8);
calib.par_p8 = (coeff_array[20usize] as (u16) as (i32) << 8i32
| coeff_array[19usize] as (u16) as (i32)) as (i16);
calib.par_p9 = (coeff_array[22usize] as (u16) as (i32) << 8i32
| coeff_array[21usize] as (u16) as (i32)) as (i16);
calib.par_p10 = coeff_array[23usize];
calib.par_h1 = (coeff_array[27usize] as (u16) as (i32) << 4i32
| coeff_array[26usize] as (i32) & 0xfi32) as (u16);
calib.par_h2 = (coeff_array[25usize] as (u16) as (i32) << 4i32
| coeff_array[26usize] as (i32) >> 4i32) as (u16);
calib.par_h3 = coeff_array[28usize] as (i8);
calib.par_h4 = coeff_array[29usize] as (i8);
calib.par_h5 = coeff_array[30usize] as (i8);
calib.par_h6 = coeff_array[31usize];
calib.par_h7 = coeff_array[32usize] as (i8);
calib.par_gh1 = coeff_array[37usize] as (i8);
calib.par_gh2 = (coeff_array[36usize] as (u16) as (i32) << 8i32
| coeff_array[35usize] as (u16) as (i32)) as (i16);
calib.par_gh3 = coeff_array[38usize] as (i8);
calib.res_heat_range =
(I2CUtil::read_byte::<I2CX>(i2c, dev_id.addr(), BME680_ADDR_RES_HEAT_RANGE_ADDR)?
& 0x30)
/ 16;
calib.res_heat_val =
I2CUtil::read_byte::<I2CX>(i2c, dev_id.addr(), BME680_ADDR_RES_HEAT_VAL_ADDR)? as i8;
calib.range_sw_err =
(I2CUtil::read_byte::<I2CX>(i2c, dev_id.addr(), BME680_ADDR_RANGE_SW_ERR_ADDR)?
/ 16;
fn set_gas_config(
&mut self,
gas_sett: GasSett,
) -> Result<(), <I2C as Read>::Error, <I2C as Write>::Error> {
if self.power_mode != PowerMode::ForcedMode {
return Err(Error::DefinePwrMode);
// TODO check whether unwrap_or changes behaviour
let reg: [(u8, u8); 2] = [
self.gas_sett.nb_conv = 0;
fn get_gas_config(&mut self) -> Result<GasSett, <I2C as Read>::Error, <I2C as Write>::Error> {
let mut gas_sett: GasSett = Default::default();
gas_sett.heatr_temp = Some(I2CUtil::read_byte(
&mut self.i2c,
)? as u16);
let heatr_dur_ms = I2CUtil::read_byte(
&mut self.i2c,
)? as u64;
gas_sett.heatr_dur = Some(Duration::from_millis(heatr_dur_ms));
/// Retrieve the current sensor informations
pub fn get_sensor_data(
&mut self,
) -> Result<(FieldData, FieldDataCondition), <I2C as Read>::Error, <I2C as Write>::Error> {
let mut buff: [u8; BME680_FIELD_LENGTH] = [0; BME680_FIELD_LENGTH];
debug!("Buf {:?}, len: {}", buff, buff.len());
let mut data: FieldData = Default::default();
const TRIES: u8 = 10;
for _ in 0..TRIES {
&mut self.i2c,
&mut buff,
debug!("Field data read {:?}, len: {}", buff, buff.len());
data.status = buff[0] & BME680_NEW_DATA_MSK;
data.gas_index = buff[0] & BME680_GAS_INDEX_MSK;
data.meas_index = buff[1];
let adc_pres = (buff[2] as (u32)).wrapping_mul(4096)
| (buff[3] as (u32)).wrapping_mul(16)
| (buff[4] as (u32)).wrapping_div(16);
let adc_temp = (buff[5] as (u32)).wrapping_mul(4096)
| (buff[6] as (u32)).wrapping_mul(16)
| (buff[7] as (u32)).wrapping_div(16);
let adc_hum = ((buff[8] as (u32)).wrapping_mul(256) | buff[9] as (u32)) as (u16);
let adc_gas_res = ((buff[13] as (u32)).wrapping_mul(4)
| (buff[14] as (u32)).wrapping_div(64)) as (u16);
let gas_range = buff[14] & BME680_GAS_RANGE_MSK;
data.status = data.status | buff[14] & BME680_GASM_VALID_MSK;
data.status = data.status | buff[14] & BME680_HEAT_STAB_MSK;
if data.status & BME680_NEW_DATA_MSK != 0 {
let (temp, t_fine) =
Calc::calc_temperature(&self.calib, adc_temp, self.tph_sett.temperature_offset);
"adc_temp: {} adc_pres: {} adc_hum: {} adc_gas_res: {}, t_fine: {}",
adc_temp, adc_pres, adc_hum, adc_gas_res, t_fine
data.temperature = temp;
data.pressure = Calc::calc_pressure(&self.calib, t_fine, adc_pres);
data.humidity = Calc::calc_humidity(&self.calib, t_fine, adc_hum);
data.gas_resistance =
Calc::calc_gas_resistance(&self.calib, adc_gas_res, gas_range);
return Ok((data, FieldDataCondition::NewData));
Ok((data, FieldDataCondition::Unchanged))