import logging import os import sys from prometheus_client import Gauge from pyhap.accessory import Accessory from pyhap.const import CATEGORY_SENSOR import bme680 from app.config import Settings class Bme680Sensor(Accessory): """Implementation of a mock temperature sensor accessory.""" category = CATEGORY_SENSOR # This is for the icon in the iOS Home app. def __init__(self, driver, *, aid=None, settings: Settings): """Here, we just store a reference to the current temperature characteristic and add a method that will be executed every time its value changes. """ # If overriding this method, be sure to call the super's implementation first. super().__init__(driver,, aid=aid) self.settings = settings self.sensor = bme680.BME680( settings.hap.bridge.bme680.address or bme680.I2C_ADDR_PRIMARY ) self.sensor.set_humidity_oversample(bme680.OS_2X) self.sensor.set_pressure_oversample(bme680.OS_4X) self.sensor.set_temperature_oversample(bme680.OS_8X) self.sensor.set_filter(bme680.FILTER_SIZE_3) if os.getenv("ENABLE_GAS_MEASUREMENT", "false") == "true": self.sensor.set_gas_status(bme680.ENABLE_GAS_MEAS) self.sensor.set_gas_heater_temperature(320) self.sensor.set_gas_heater_duration(150) self.sensor.select_gas_heater_profile(0) self._temperature_metric = Gauge( "bme680_temperature_celsius", "The temperature measurement in celsius." ) self._humidity_metric = Gauge( "bme680_humidity_rh", "The humidity measurement in relative humidity." ) self._pressure_metric = Gauge( "bme680_pressure_hpa", "The pressure measurement in hectopascals." ) self._gas_resistance_metric = Gauge( "bme860_gas_resistance_ohm", "The gas resistance measurement in ohms." ) # Add the services that this Accessory will support with add_preload_service here temp_service = self.add_preload_service("TemperatureSensor") humidity_service = self.add_preload_service("HumiditySensor") self.temp_value = temp_service.get_characteristic("CurrentTemperature") self.humidity_value = humidity_service.get_characteristic( "CurrentRelativeHumidity" ) def _run(self): if self.sensor.get_sensor_data(): self.temp_value.set_value( self.humidity_value.set_value( # Update prometheus metrics. self._temperature_metric.set( self._humidity_metric.set( self._pressure_metric.set( if self._gas_resistance_metric.set( f"T: {}; H: {}: P: {}")"G: {}") @Accessory.run_at_interval(120) def run(self): """ This function runs the accessory. It polls for data and publishes it at the given interval. """ try:"Reading data from BME680 sensor.") self._run() except IOError as e: # This happens from time to time, best we stop and let systemd restart us. logging.critical("Failed to run BME680.") sys.exit(1) def stop(self): """We override this method to clean up any resources or perform final actions, as this is called by the AccessoryDriver when the Accessory is being stopped. """ print("Stopping accessory.")