This application will read sensors data periodically, provide access to it via gRPC and publish telemetry to the cloud. ## Installation How-To 1. Build the module and target the Raspberry Pi. 2. Copy the files over to the Raspberry Pi. 3. Modify `appsettings.json` to fit your needs. 4. Install the hardware. ### Wiring You may download the Fritzing diagram from `Docs/fritzing/nucucar.sensors.fzz` in order to play with it. ![alt text](../Docs/images/nucucar.sensors_bb.jpg) #### BME680 Connect the BME680 sensor to the I2C bus 1 (I2C.1) of the Raspberry Pi. The address ` 0x76` will be used to communicate with the sensor. 5\. Run the application. ### Environment Sensor Worker service for the [BME680]( environmental sensor from Bosh. Sensor capabilities: * Temperature * Barometric Pressure * Humidity * VOC Gas (Currently not implemented in binding)