The service will gather sensor data and provide access to it via gRPC. ### Telemetry You can use cloud telemetry for free via Azure-IoT-Hub. You still need a backend application that will process the messages. You will need to create a: - IoT Hub - IoT Device Then navigate to your device and grab the primary key, you will need it to create a connection string of the form: `;DeviceId=YOUR_DEVICE_NAME;SharedAccessKey=PRIMARY_OR_SECONDARY_KEY` The connection string can be passed to the application via `appsettings.json` or command line arguments or environment variables: ``` dotnet run --Telemetry:AzureIotHubConnectionString=CONNECTION_STRING export Telemetry:AzureIotHubConnectionString=CONNECTION_STRING ``` ### Enviroment Sensor Worker service for the [BME680]( enviromental sensor from Bosh. Sensor capabilities: * Temperature * Barometric Pressure * Humidity * VOC Gas (Currently not implemented in binding)